I have been planning to do a short series on "crossdressing in Indian performing arts" for a long time now. But the more I did research on the matter the more was I disappointed, the internet is terribly ignorant of the subject. Also based on the little I gathered from the world wide web and the little I know on my own, that is from stories I have heard, I came to the conclusion that the subject is too intricate and elaborate to write on, without in-depth and exhaustive study. So I decided to compile a list of all the art forms(that I know of) admitting crossdressing and writing short pieces on them. The motive being initiating the reader on these brilliant, beautiful and often sexy forms of arts in which gender bending Indians come to their elements. Needless to say that the pieces will not be merely pedagogical or informational, my own thoughts will come in. The lens through which the performances will be viewed will be the lens of a person indomitably attracted to gender-benders.
Shumang Leela
Let us start with the North-East. A pristine part of the country, with picturesque locations and varied and ancient cultures. A part of India not enough promoted to international tourists, a part of which most don't know much. It is in the North-Eastern state of Manipur that we will focus our attention today.
A beautiful Shumang artist |
'Shumang Leela' is a form of theatre that owes its origin to the Indian state of Manipur. It is indeed a unique form of theatre which portrays the moral-ethical concerns, preferences and frailties of society and politics. In essence it is no different than other forms of courtyard folk theatre or 'jatra'-s performed all across rural India. 'Shumang' means 'courtyard' and 'Leela' can be loosely translated to 'play' or 'act'.
Where Shumang Leela stands out, is that it is performed exclusively by members of any one gender playing characters of both sexes. Plays with all male casts are termed 'Nupa Shumang Leela', and with all women casts are known as 'Nupi Shumang Leela'. The former is much more prevalent and popular. While the women find it difficult to impersonate men, the Manipuri men, albeit the ones who train for this, being Asian in nature almost effortlessly passes off as beautiful dames. From docile homemakers to matriarchs from mythical characters to sexy bombshells the Nupa Shumang artist pulls it all nonchalantly. (I apologise for the low quality pictures, as some of them are screenshots of low res videos, and good pictures are hard to find.)